Group 557

ISR Plantation



Event Name: Plantation Activity

Objectives : To foster a sense of duty towards the environment and contribute to the cause of ‘Swachh Bharat’.

Outcome :

The members of ISR Club – Ikshana – of SCMS, successfully planted 20 plants within the campus premises to promote environmental awareness and instill a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the plants. Active and enthusiastic participation from the club members definitely made the activity a huge success.

Brief Report :

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most
pleasing responsibility.”

To promote environmental consciousness and community engagement, the members of ISR Club – Ikshana – of SCMS, conducted the plantation activity on 13th September 2023.
This was the first activity for the juniors who recently joined the club and the activity undoubtedly brought them immense experience and joy.


(Members of the ISR Club – Ikshana)

Prior to the activity, several planning meetings were held to strategize and allocate responsibilities. The staff proved to be of much help for procuring the suitable saplings, considering the local climate and soil conditions for optimal growth.

On the designated day, i.e. 13th September, the club members gathered at the planting site within the campus. There were a total of 25 members who took part in the activity. Each member was provided with a sapling, and guided by experienced members on proper planting techniques.

(Members of the club planting the saplings)

A total of 20 saplings were planted by members behind the guest house and in front of GH2. A variety of saplings were chosen, considering factors such as health benefits and potential ecological benefits.

The activity witnessed enthusiastic participation from the members of the club. Their active involvement demonstrated a strong sense of community, positivity and shared responsibility towards environmental conservation.

The plantation activity was successful in achieving its objectives. It showcased the collective commitment of the club members towards environmental sustainability and instilled a sense of responsibility towards nature within them. The newly planted saplings will contribute to a greener campus and teach everyone to gather strength from their deepest roots and act as catalysts for positive change.

(Working together today for a greener tomorrow – unity is strength)

(Teamwork and cooperation shown by the members of the club)

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