Group 557

Programme Structure

Semester: I
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses
Human Resource Management
Fundamentals of Marketing
Principles and Practices of Management
Discipline-Specific Courses/Minor Course (Choose any One Course)
Indian Banking and Financial System
Consumer Behaviour
Organizational Behaviour
Basics of Management
Information Systems
Ability Enhancement Course
Business Communication
Skill Enhancement Courses
Business Accounting
Common Value-Added Course
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Mandatory Non-Credit Course
Fitness for Life
Emotional Well-being
Semester: II
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses
Major Course (Choose Any One Course)
Financial Management
Services Marketing
Human Resources and Total Quality Management
Creativity and Innovations
Minor Course (Choose Any One Course other than the Chosen Major)
Financial Management
Services Marketing
Human Resources and Total Quality Management
Creativity and Innovations
Ability Enhancement Course (Choose Any One Course)
Basic French I
Basic German I
Skill Enhancement Course
Data Analytics using MS-Excel
Common Value-Added Courses
Design Thinking
Multidisciplinary Courses (Choose Any One Course from the University Basket of Multidisciplinary Courses
Vocational Courses (Summer) (Only for students who wish to exit after the First Year with a Certificate)(Choose Any One from the Following Courses)
Personality Development- I
Health and Safety at Workplace
Note: Students exiting at the end of the second semester will be awarded a “Certificate in Business Administration” provided they successfully complete the additional 4 credits of vocational courses offered during the summer term.
Semester: III
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses
Business Statistics
Major Courses (Choose Any One Course)
Corporate Accounting
Elementary Marketing Research
Industrial Psychology
Professionalization of Family Business
Discipline-Specific Course/Minor Course
Service Learning
Minor Courses (Choose Any One Course other than the Chosen Major)
Corporate Accounting
Elementary Marketing Research
Industrial Psychology
Professionalization of Family Business
Ability Enhancement Courses (Choose Any One Course)Continue with the Same Language Chosen in the Semester-2
Basic French II
Basic German II
Skill Enhancement Courses
Business Analytics
Common Value-Added Course
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Mandatory Non-Credit Course
Integrated Disaster Management
Multidisciplinary Courses (Choose Any One Course from the University Basket of Multidisciplinary Courses)
Semester: IV
Discipline-Specific Course/Major Course
Business Laws
Management Accounting
Major Courses (Choose Any One Group)
Group 1 - Finance
Advanced Financial Management
Group 2 - Marketing
Fundamentals of B2B Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Talent Management
Training and Development
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Multination)
Technological Entrepreneurship
Minor Courses (Choose Any One Group other than the Chosen Major)
Group 1 - Finance
Advanced Financial Management
Group 2 - Marketing
Fundamentals of B2B Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Talent Management
Training and Development
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Multination)
Technological Entrepreneurship
Skill Enhancement Course
Data Visualization and Interpretation
Multidisciplinary Courses (Choose Any One Course from the University Basket of Multidisciplinary Courses)
Vocational Courses (Summer) (Only for students who wish to exit after the Second Year with a Diploma)
Artificial Intelligence
Note: Students exiting at the end of the fourth semester will be awarded a “Diploma in Business Administration,” provided they successfully complete the additional 4 credits of vocational courses offered during the summer term.
Semester: V
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses
Introduction to Contemporary Business Practices
Research Methodology
Strategic Management
Major Courses (Choose Any One Group)
Group 1 - Finance
Introduction to Behavioral Finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
Group 2 - Marketing
Basics of International Marketing
Fundamentals of Rural Marketing
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Leadership and Capacity Building
Industrial Relations
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Business Modelling and Business Plan
Minor Courses (Choose any One Course other than the Chosen Major)
Mergers and Acquisitions
Basics of International Marketing
Industrial Relations
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Mandatory Non-Credit Course
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Summer Internship
Corporate Internship Programme
Semester: VI
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses
E-Business Technology
Production/Operations management
Major Courses (Choose Any One Group)
Group 1 - Finance
Portfolio Management
Derivative Markets
Group 2 - Marketing
Sales and Distribution Management
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Organizational Development and Change
Compensation Management
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs
Group Entrepreneurship and Self Help Groups
Minor Courses (Choose Any One Group other than the Chosen Major)
Group 1 - Finance
Portfolio Management
Derivative Markets
Group 2 - Marketing
Sales and Distribution Management
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Organizational Development and Change
Compensation Management
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs
Group Entrepreneurship and Self Help Groups
Mandatory Non-Credit Course
Core Environmental Studies
Note: Students exiting at the end of the sixth semester will be awarded a “Bachelor of Business Administration” degree.
Semester: VII
(Honours / Honours with Research)
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses
Global Business Environment
Project Management
Corporate Governance and Ethics
Major Courses (Choose Any One Group)
Group 1 - Finance
Financial Analytics
Fixed Income Markets
Group 2 - Marketing
Brand Management and Communications
Introduction to Marketing Analytics
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Fundamentals of HR Analytics
HRD Instruments
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Risk Management in Entrepreneurship
Funding for Entrepreneurs
Minor Courses (Choose Any One Group other than the Chosen Major)
Group 1 - Finance
Financial Analytics
Fixed Income Markets
Group 2 - Marketing
Brand Management and Communications
Introduction to Marketing Analytics
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Fundamentals of HR Analytics
HRD Instruments
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Risk Management in Entrepreneurship
Funding for Entrepreneurs
Semester: VIII (Honours)
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses
Indian Ethos and Values for Management
R Programming
Major Courses (Choose Any One Group)
Group 1 - Finance
International Finance
Wealth Management
Group 2 - Marketing
Sustainable Marketing
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Strategic Human Resource Management
Cross Cultural Management
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Lean Startup
Social Entrepreneurship
Minor Courses (Choose Any One Group other than the Chosen Major)
Group 1 - Finance
International Finance
Wealth Management
Group 2 - Marketing
Sustainable Marketing
Group 3 - Human Resource Development
Strategic Human Resource Management
Cross Cultural Management
Group 4 - Entrepreneurship
Lean Startup
Social Entrepreneurship
Semester: VIII (Honours with Research)
Major Courses
R Programming
Power BI
Minor Course
Indian Ethos and Values for Management
Research Project
Research Project
Note: At the end of Fourth year “Bachelor of Business Administration - Honours” / “Bachelor of Business Administration - Honours with Research” will be awarded
Semester: I
Course Title
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Human Resource Management
Fundamentals of Marketing
Management Essentials
Minor Courses- Choose ANY ONE
Indian Banking and Financial System
Consumer Behaviour
Organizational Behaviour
Business Entrepreneurship
Multidisciplinary Courses - (To choose from SIU Basket)
Ability Enhancement Course- Compulsory
Business Communication
Skill Enhancement Course- Compulsory
Business Accounting
Common Value-Added Courses (To choose from SIU Basket)

Semester: II
Course Title Specialization
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Major Courses- Students to Choose ANY ONE
Financial Management Finance
Services Marketing Marketing
Human Resources and Total Quality Management HR
Creativity and Innovations Entrepreneurship
Minor Courses- Choose any one (cannot be the same as Major specialization)
Financial Management Finance
Services Marketing Marketing
Human Resources and Total Quality Management HR
Creativity and Innovations Entrepreneurship
Multidisciplinary Courses - (To choose from SIU Basket)
Ability Enhancement Course- Compulsory
Basic French I
Skill Enhancement Course- Compulsory
Excel Skills for Business
Common Value-Added Courses (To choose from SIU Basket)
Vocational Courses (Summer): Only for students who wish to exit after the First Year with a Certificate

Personality Development- I

Health and Safety at Workplace

Wellness Neurotherapy

Semester: III
Course Title Specialization
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Business Statistics
Major Courses- Students to Choose ANY ONE
Corporate Accounting Finance
Elementary Marketing Research Marketing
Industrial Psychology HR
Professionalization of Family Business Entrepreneurship
Minor Courses- Choose any one (cannot be the same as Major specialization)
Corporate Accounting Finance
Elementary Marketing Research Marketing
Industrial Psychology HR
Professionalization of Family Business Entrepreneurship
Multidisciplinary Courses - (To choose from SIU Basket)
Ability Enhancement Course- Compulsory
Basic French II
Skill Enhancement Course- Compulsory
Data Visualization and Interpretation
Common Value-Added Courses (To choose from SIU Basket)
Semester: IV
Course Title Specialization
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Business Laws
Management Accounting
Major Courses- Students to Choose ANY ONE
Advanced Financial Management Finance
Fundamentals of B2B Marketing Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication
Talent Management HR
Training and Development
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Multination) Entrepreneurship
Technological Entrepreneurship (3)
Minor Courses- Choose any one (cannot be the same as Major specialization)
Advanced Financial Management Finance
Fundamentals of B2B Marketing Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication
Talent Management HR
Training and Development
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Multination) Entrepreneurship
Technological Entrepreneurship
Skill Enhancement Course- Compulsory
Business Analytics
Vocational Courses (Summer): Only for students who wish to exit after the Second Year with a Diploma


Export Import Management

Artificial Intelligence

Semester: V
Course Title Specialization
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Introduction to Contemporary Business Practices
Business Research Methodology
Basics of Strategic Management
Major Courses- Students to Choose ANY ONE
Introduction to Behavioral Finance Finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
Basics of International Marketing Marketing
Fundamentals of Rural Marketing
Leadership and Capacity Building HR
Industrial Relations
Corporate Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
Business Modelling and Business Plan
Minor Courses- Choose any one (cannot be the same as Major specialization)
Mergers and Acquisitions Finance
Basics of International Marketing Marketing
Industrial Relations HR
Corporate Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
Summer Internship
Corporate Internship Programme
Semester: VI
Course Title Specialization
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
E-Business Technology
Production/Operations management
Major Courses- Students to Choose ANY ONE
Portfolio Management Finance
Derivative Markets
Organizational Development and Change HR
Compensation Management
Sales and Distribution Management Marketing
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship
Group Entrepreneurship and Self Help Groups
Minor Courses- Choose any one (cannot be the same as Major specialization)
Portfolio Management Finance
Derivative Markets
Organizational Development and Change HR
Compensation Management
Sales and Distribution Management Marketing
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship
Group Entrepreneurship and Self Help Groups
Semester: VII (Honours) (Honours with Research)
Course Title Specialization
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Global Business Environment
Project Management
Corporate Governance and Ethics
Major Courses- Students to Choose ANY ONE
Financial Analytics Finance
Fixed Income Markets
Brand Management and Communications Marketing
Introduction to Marketing Analytics
Fundamentals of HR Analytics HR
HRD Instruments
Risk Management in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
Funding for Entrepreneurs
Minor Courses- Choose any one (cannot be the same as Major specialization)
Financial Analytics Finance
Fixed Income Markets
Brand Management and Communications Marketing
Introduction to Marketing Analytics
Fundamentals of HR Analytics HR
HRD Instruments
Risk Management in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
Funding for Entrepreneurs
Semester: VIII (Honours)
Course Title Specialization
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Indian Ethos and Values for Management
R Programming
Major Courses- Students to Choose ANY ONE
International Finance Finance
Wealth Management
Neuromarketing Marketing
Sustainable Marketing
Strategic Human Resource Management HR
Cross Cultural Management
Lean Startup Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Minor Courses- Choose any one (cannot be the same as Major specialization)
International Finance Finance
Wealth Management
Neuromarketing Marketing
Sustainable Marketing
Strategic Human Resource Management HR
Cross Cultural Management
Lean Startup Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Dissertation/ Research Project
Semester: VIII (Honours with Research)
Course Title
Discipline-Specific Courses/Major Courses- Compulsory
Indian Ethos and Values for Management
R Programming
Power BI
Dissertation/ Research Project
Research Project
Semester 1
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Accounting
  • Business Communication
  • Foundation of Mathematics
  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Concept of Economics
  • Management Essentials
  • Concept of Economics
Semester 2
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Laws
  • Business Statistics
  • Introduction to Contemporary Business Practices
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Advance Excel
  • Fitness for Life *
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Basic French I
  • Basic German I
Semester 3
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Entrepreneurship
  • Project - I
  • Introduction to International Business
  • Post Liberalization Indian Economy
  • Management Accounting
  • Integrated Disaster Management*
Generic Elective Courses Group - I
  • Basic French II
  • Basic German II
Generic Elective Courses Group - II
  • Climate Change and Business
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Financial Management
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Elementary Retail Marketing
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Management
  • Industrial Relations
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • Creativity and Innovation
Semester 4
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Analytics
  • Operations Management
  • Basics of Management Information Systems
  • Indian Banking and Financial System
  • Service Learning
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Microfinance
  • Promotions and Marketing Communication
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Professionalization of Family Business
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Microfinance
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Working Capital Management
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Promotions and Marketing Communication
  • Elementary Marketing Research
  • Sales and Distribution Management
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Managemet
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Talent Management
  • Workforce Planning
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • Professionalization of Family Business
  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Multination)
  • Technological Entrepreneurship
Semester 5
Generic Core Courses
  • Corporate Internship Programme
  • Strategic Management
  • E-Business Technology
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Financial Regulatory Environment
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Organizational Development and Change
  • MSME and Family Managed Business
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Financial Regulatory Environment
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Portfolio Management
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Fundamentals of B2B Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Rural Marketing
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Development and Change
  • Performance Management System
  • HRD Instruments
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • MSME and Family Managed Business
  • Funding for Entrepreneurs
  • Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs
Semester 6
Generic Core Courses
  • Project II
  • Public Policy and Governance in India
  • Corporate Governance and Ethics
  • Core Environmental Studies *
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Personal Finance
  • Basics of International Marketing
  • Learning and Development
  • Business Modelling and Business Plan
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Personal Finance
  • Introduction to Behavioral Finance
  • Project Finance and Infrastructure Financing
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Basics of International Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Brand Management
  • Services Marketing
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Managemet
  • Learning and Development
  • Industrial Psychology
  • Compensation Management
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • Business Modelling and Business Plan
  • Regulatory Framework For Entrepreneurs
  • Risk Management in Entrepreneurship
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Accounting
  • Business Communication
  • Foundation of Mathematics
  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Concept of Economics
  • Management Essentials
  • Concept of Economics
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Laws
  • Business Statistics
  • Introduction to Contemporary Business Practices
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Advance Excel
  • Fitness for Life *
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Basic French I
  • Basic German I
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Entrepreneurship
  • Project - I
  • Introduction to International Business
  • Post Liberalization Indian Economy
  • Management Accounting
  • Integrated Disaster Management*
Generic Elective Courses Group - I
  • Basic French II
  • Basic German II
Generic Elective Courses Group - II
  • Climate Change and Business
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Financial Management
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Elementary Retail Marketing
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Management
  • Industrial Relations
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • Creativity and Innovation
Generic Core Courses
  • Business Analytics
  • Operations Management
  • Basics of Management Information Systems
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Indian Banking and Financial System
  • Service Learning
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Microfinance
  • Promotions and Marketing Communication
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Professionalization of Family Business
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Microfinance
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Working Capital Management
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Promotions and Marketing Communication
  • Elementary Marketing Research
  • Sales and Distribution Management
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Managemet
  • Cross Cultural Management
  • Talent Management
  • Workforce Planning
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • Professionalization of Family Business
  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Multination)
  • Technological Entrepreneurship
Generic Core Courses
  • Corporate Internship Programme
  • Strategic Management
  • E-Business Technology
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Financial Regulatory Environment
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Organizational Development and Change
  • MSME and Family Managed Business
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Financial Regulatory Environment
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Portfolio Management
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Fundamentals of B2B Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Rural Marketing
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Development and Change
  • Performance Management System
  • HRD Instruments
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • MSME and Family Managed Business
  • Funding for Entrepreneurs
  • Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs
Generic Core Courses
  • Project II
  • Public Policy and Governance in India
  • Corporate Governance and Ethics
  • Core Environmental Studies *
Generic Elective Courses Group
  • Personal Finance
  • Basics of International Marketing
  • Learning and Development
  • Business Modelling and Business Plan
Specialization Core Courses : Finance
  • Personal Finance
  • Introduction to Behavioral Finance
  • Project Finance and Infrastructure Financing
Specialization Core Courses : Marketing Management
  • Basics of International Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Brand Management
  • Services Marketing
Specialization Core Courses : Human Resource Managemet
  • Learning and Development
  • Industrial Psychology
  • Compensation Management
Specialization Core Courses : Entrepreneurship
  • Business Modelling and Business Plan
  • Regulatory Framework For Entrepreneurs
  • Risk Management in Entrepreneurship

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