Group 557

Best Practice 2023-24

  1. Title of the Practice
  2. Video Assignment for continuous assessment

  3. Objectives of the Practice
  4. To develop an engaging and learning activity as a component of continuous assessment for students.

  5. The Context
  6. The video assignment was introduced as part of continuous assessment to foster student collaboration, enhance engagement, and encourage the practical application of knowledge through creative expression and effective communication.

  7. The Practice
  8. The practice fosters creativity, critical thinking, and digital literacy. Its uniqueness lies in engaging students with diverse learning preferences and promoting practical communication skills. However, limitations include technological access disparities, and some resistance to non-traditional evaluation methods.

  9. Evidence of Success
  10. Feedback collected through Google Forms revealed that most students found the video assignment engaging, helping to enhance their presentation skills, creativity, technical skills, and overall understanding. Additionally, average marks secured in video assignment were relatively higher when compared to that of traditional assignments.

  11. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Problems encountered include time-consuming video production, technical issues, and challenges with large file sizes. Required resources include improved technical support, user-friendly platforms, and dedicated storage solutions for seamless video assignment submissions.

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