Group 557




Event Name: Business Quiz


To test the knowledge of all the students of SCMS-H concerning the business world.


This event provided a platform to the students to show their business acumen, this endeavour acted as a point of reference for upcoming events.


The event began with a brief and warm welcome by Prisha Dhawan, the host, who introduced both, the event and the Quizmaster – Mr. Raja Satish. Handing over the stage to sir, Prisha took a seat. Thereafter, sir gave a speech, where he introduced the participants to the quiz rules. The participants were then asked to divide themselves into groups of two by him, which was a quick affair.

The members of the Literature Club were assigned distinct roles to ensure smooth progress of the event. This was the first event for the batch of 2024-28, and they proved to be resourceful throughout the course of the event. All the members were constantly on their foot to make sure that all the requirements were met and that there was no room for any loopholes. The first-year student, Prisha Dhawan, was the Host. All the members of the club — Shreya, Shailja, Apeksha, Dhruv, Nidha, Vinit, Almas, Joona, Pranava, Arsheen, Vaishnavi, Pragna and Shreenidhi — collectively took up the roles as Disciplinary Committee (DC) members to look after the needs of the the participants, and to make certain that no foul play was involved. The coordinators were given the task to evaluate the answer sheets of the participants.

The first round of the quiz consisted of twenty questions, which the participants found quite interesting and challenging. Sir even gave hints in case the questions were too difficult. At the end of the first round, the answers were revealed by sir and the participants' answers were evaluated by the coordinators from the Literature Club simultaneously. The revelation of answers on the screen made some participants cheer in excitement when they got their answers right, while some held their heads in despair. The top six teams were chosen to advance to the second round.

In the second-round, the questions displayed on the screen were directed towards one team while the other five teams had the option to pounce (they could write the answer on a piece of paper and show it to Sir, a correct answer would reward them ten points while a wrong answer would result in losing ten points). The question was also passed around to the rest of the teams and then to the audience – who received a chocolate (audience participation price) for each correct answer. Similarly, four more rounds took place but of different themes. Apeksha, from 3rd year took care of the scores on the leader board throughout this round.

The winners were Team 5 - Allen and Rohan; The runner-ups were Team 6 - Abdul, Tarun and Kaushal. These teams were awarded with Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 coupons respectively.

The event was concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Joona, who is from the 2nd year.

(Introductory speech by Quizmaster)

(The Participants)

(Volunteers from Sahitya evaluating the answers of the participants)

(Group Photo with the Quizmaster, The Finalists, Some audience members, Ishaq Sir, and Team Sahitya)

(Sahitya – The Literature Club with Ishaq Sir and the Quizmaster)

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