Event Name: Mock Press PR Panel
The Activity began with a warm welcome given by the hosts Shvigauri and Vaishnavi.They also welcomed the esteemed Judges Mr .Ishaq Ahmed Dar and Mr. P. Ravi Kiran
The participants were divided into two teams: the PR team and the Press team. The PR team included Pranava, Pranav, and Joona, while the Press team consisted of Anantha, Prapthi, and Shreenidhi. In the first round, the elimination round, participants were given the case study of Facebook. The judges evaluated the participants based on their presentation and communication skills.
After the first round, Pranava and Joona from the PR team, along with Anantha and Shreenidhi from the Press team, made it to the final round.. The case given is on TATA Electric Cars. Finalists were given a time slot of 10 minutes to prepare for the round. The Final round lasted for 20 minutes. The final winners are declared based on the scores.
The winners, Pranava and Shreenidhi, received coupons worth Rs500 each, appreciating their performance. The activity ended with a vote of thanks to the participants, audience, and judges for their incredible participation and support for the event.
The Hosts Welcoming the participants and Judges
PR Team
Press Team
Shreenidhi received the coupon
Pranava received the coupon